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Blue Mountain White Mountain
september 09 - november 12, 2024
Organizational Behaviour
Location :
Online course
Description :

In this 56 hours (10 day) course participants will explore the nature of human dynamics within an organizational context from the perspective of the human resources practitioner. Areas of study and self- reflection include stress management, human communications, learning and motivation, ethics, creativity, leadership, decision-making, power and conflict, team dynamics, organizational culture and change management.

MTO Registration Form
Gender *
Are you a Nunavut Beneficiary? *
Are you employed? *
Are you a volunteer in the community? (firefighter, ground search and rescue, etc.) *
If you are applying to an online course: Do you have access to a computer with videoconferencing features?
If you are applying to an online course: Do you have access to internet to attend training?
Blue Mountain
White Mountain

Sponsorship Approval Form

Code of Conduct